Help Center

Accept takeout and delivery orders on your website. To learn more about managing your menu, orders and website, please first refer to the frequently asked questions below. If you cannot find an answer to your question, you may contact our support team.

Hands-free loyalty program to increase repeat purchases from customers. To learn more about managing your loyalty program, please first refer to the frequently asked questions below. If you cannot find an answer to your question, you may contact our support team.

Marketing plan and materials to attract visitors to your website. To learn more about using your marketing package, please first refer to the frequently asked questions below. If you cannot find an answer to your question, you may contact our support team.

First of all, congratulations for opening a new location. To add a new location please contact our support department. Submit your new location's address and menu. We will make the new location available on your restaurant website. The usual service time for such a request is one business day. Please note that depending on your purchased plan adding a new location may require a fee.

In the restaurant admin panel, choose the restaurant location whose menu you would like to edit. Then, click on MENU on the top right corner. Here, you can edit the name, description, and price of your menu items. Once you click on EDIT you will be given asked to enter a new value in the name, description or price field. Once you enter the new value, please click on SAVE. To make bigger changes to your menu, please contact our support department. We will make the changes you need in a business day.

If any of your items is out of stock, please go to your admin pane. Choose location and tap on MENU. Then, choose OUT OF STOCK for items currently unavailable. The option you indicated as OUT OF STOCK will not be available to customers for sale. Please come back and indicate the item as IN STOCK, once you are able again to offer this item.

Adding photos is a great way to increase your sales! Once you have photos for all of the items on your menu, please send them to our support department. We will review and optimize your photos for performance on your website. Next, we will make photos available on your menu. Photos will be seen on the menu while customers are making a choice between dishes.

When you receive a new review, you will see a notification in your admin panel. Please tap on REVIEWS to read the new review. If you would like to make this review visible to all customers, tap on PUBLISH. The review will be visible on your website. Please make sure that reviews publishing is enabled. To do so, please choose SETTINGS on your website and turn on reviews publishing.

To set up your rewards program, go to the admin panel of your website. Tap on ACTIVATE REWARDS. Choose the discount amount you would like to offer as a reward and how much customers should spend to reach that reward. Then, click SAVE. You can change or deactivate rewards at any time by visiting your admin panel and tapping on or EDIT REWARDS.

The marketing package contains instructions and materials to attract customers to your website. To make the best use of your marketing package, please read the step-by-step instructions provided. Implement the policies listed in the instructions consistently and you will start seeing an increase in the number of online orders that you receive on your website.

You will receive a notification by phone when a new order arrives. As soon as you receive the order, go to your website and sign in with your manager/owner credentials. Review the order, adjust the takeout or delivery time if necessary, and tap on CONFIRM ORDER. Customers are charged only after you confirm your order. Unconfirmed orders expire in 15 minutes. Therefore, make sure to confirm your order before it expires. If you are unable to fulfill the order, you may CANCEL it on the same page.

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We are a technology company based in Toronto, Canada. We have been helping smaller businesses with software solutions since 2018.